On the 23rd of August, I will be doing a hummingbird workshop in the Davis Mountains, Texas. That is the peak of the fall hummingbird migration and I expect they will be colorful and hungry. We will be photographing with a multi-flash setup in a private hummingbird garden. That’s right, we’ll have it all to ourselves (no more than 3 photographers/day). Many other birds will be, too, so we are expecting great success. Just drop me an email if you are interested; there are still some slots available.
Otherwise, I’ve spent a couple of recent afternoons in south Texas photo blinds. The best surprise was getting good shots of a yell0w-billed cuckoo. They don’t leave the deep vegetation and shade very often, but when it’s hot, they come to water during the day.
Remember, you can click in the upper right portion of a photo to get a larger, sharper view. then you can advance from there to the next photo.

I will have backgrounds, flashes, flowers and chairs ready when the photographers arrive for the Davis Mountains Hummingbird Workshop. Everybody will get several species and many different hummingbird wing positions in good lighting.

Yellow-billed Cuckoos are pretty wary, but after the first few shutter clicks, they settle in for a drink. This guy waded into the pool, but didn’t bathe. It just set down in the water to cool off.

For some reason, we’ve only been seeing juvenile blue grosbeaks at the photo ranch ponds. I know there are beautiful blue males around, but I haven’t been lucky enough to photograph one this summer.

It has been too dry for a good butterfly hatch this summer, but I have seen several Emperors and Sulphurs on the ranches. October will be the best time for butterflies in our area.
I hope all of you are getting nice photo opportunities, especially those of you who are lucky enough head north to Canada or to other cool locations.