Last week, we visited my mother-in-law in Wichita Falls…well, my wife visited while I photographed birds in the front yard. About 5″ of the white stuff fell Sunday night, so I hastily set up to shoot early Monday morning and stayed outside almost all day.
It was a little difficult dodging all the plastic flowers, lawn ornaments, flower pots, etc. , but I was able to get birds in some fairly natural or pleasing spots. Oh how I was wishing I’d planned ahead of time and gotten a few pretty perches ready. On the other hand, the natural landing areas made for some interesting poses.
Click in the middle right hand edge of any photo to make it open in a larger, sharper format. Then click on the arrow to advance through the photos.

When food is scarce, a robin can find the last berry in the bush.

Most of these photos were made in the Canon 7d camera, but the Canon 5d Mark II proved handy for a couple of shots. All images were done with the 500 mm IS Canon lens mounted on the Wimberley head atop a Feisol carbon fiber tripod (the Woodpecker shot was hand held).

The following shot was my last one of the day. In fact, the camera and lens were in the house when the red-bellied woodpecker appeared at a knothole in the front yard mulberry. Hand holding the heavy 500 mm lens and camera, I sneaked into the garage and fired from around the door without alarming my subject. This shot was at 1/350 second, ISO 640.

For me, photographing in the snow is as good as it gets. Properly clad, a photographer (even one from south Texas) can work in the cold for several hours.