For the last two weeks, I’ve visited several of the my old haunts here in south Texas, including Santa Clara Ranch, Laguna Seca Ranch, and South Padre Island. It’s May and all the critters are doing two things, looking for water and mating…not necessarily in that order. So, it was the right time to head for the country and stir up a few photos.
When you are viewing today’s photos, don’t forget to click on the image to enlarge it and make it sharper. The right and left margins have hidden arrows for advancing and going to the previous photo.

The photo above was shot at blind #2 just after sunrise. The two cottontails seemed to be playing tag…one would dash in and the other would leap over it. In the past, I tried to get these shots with the super telephoto, but switching to the 100-400 mm lens allowed me to widen the view for catching a rabbit 3 feet in the air.

When agarita is fruiting, it is very attractive to birds and humans for food. This limb was brought to south Texas by another photographer to set up a colorful perch for hungry, fruit-eating birds.

Yellow warblers, like this one at Laguna Seca Ranch, are always among the late spring migrant songbirds in south Texas.

This piping plover photo is one of my favorites. I used the 500 mm lens and 1.4 X teleconverter on a Canon 1D Mark IV to get this capture from the car window. It was shot at 1/3200 sec. , f 6.3 on ISO 640.
This is just a little of what I’ve seen in my neck of the woods in May. It makes me all the more eager for June’s arrival.