Last week, I was at the Block Creek Natural Area near Comfort, Texas to lead an instructional photo tour with three other photographers and our hosts Sharron and Larry Jay. It was a fun four days with good company, great food and lots of wildlife.
During the week, John Karger, Director of “Last Chance Forever” brought several of his hawks and owls to the ranch. It was educational and gave us an opportunity to photograph the birds at close range.
The following group of images should give you a pretty good idea of the beauty and wildlife diversity we enjoyed. Be sure to click on the right side of each image to enlarge and sharpen it and to find the “next” arrow to take you through the images.

During the photo tour, we experienced unbelievably great weather with cool days and chilly, clear nights.

The painted bunting was number one on everybody’s priority list for this shoot. No one was disappointed.

Each of us tried to hold our camera settings at 1/2000th second to stop flight action and head motion. During the sunrise and sunset hours, we had to settle for something slower, but we never stopped looking for behavior and action shots. The bunting was at 1/640th second and f4; the goldfinch was 1/400th second and f4. Except for the hawks and owls where I used a wide angle lens or small zoom on the Canon 7D, my bird captures were made with the 500 mm IS lens and Feisol carbon-fiber tripod with Wimberley head.

This hawk passed within two feet of my head and 24 mm lens while landing.

Having saved the best for last, we photographed this male vermilion flycatcher on Sunday morning in a meadow in front of the ranch house.
I hope to lead another photo tour at the Block Creek Natural Area next spring during the first week of May. Plan to join me if you like colorful birds, starry skies and good food.