About a month ago, Tom and Barbara Pickthall from the Houston area spent the weekend photographing with me at the Santa Clara Ranch northwest of McAllen. Their time was well spent as they captured some really nice images of a variety of wildlife. They were kind enough to share some shots for the newsletter. I hope you will enjoy these as much as I.

The Pickthalls have been doing wildlife and outdoor photography for many years, so it’s no surprise that their timing is amazing when it comes to capturing the “moment” as Barbara did with the mockingbird above.

Barbara caught this northern roadrunner playing with the remains of a plant seed or pod.

These bobcat photos represent Tom Pickthall’s reward for being focused enough to continue the pursuit until the animal he is after makes an appearance.

A fast shutter speed and well placed focus point helped Tom get this landing green jay with wings spread.
One of the rewards from guiding photographers on these little safaris is getting to see and share their images of various landscapes and critters. For those of you who have photographed, please accept this invitation to share some of your favorite shots.
For now, I’m just waiting to head north for a few fall colors. It was 98 degrees in McAllen two days ago. Surely, it’s autumn somewhere.