Here is a small collection of bald eagle shots from the recent Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico Photo Tour. Actually, these were made on November 28th (the day before the photo tour began) as I circled through the refuge on my pre-tour scouting drive. I’ve had little or no luck getting in the past at getting this close to eagles, but each year brings some new and exciting experiences. It all came down to spotting the bird, stopping in the right place and having the camera ready.
Click on a photo to enlarge and sharpen it for viewing.
I had the lens on the eagle as it left the perch, but with a 1.4X teleconverter on the old Canon 500 mm lens, it took a few seconds to acquire focus. I was shooting with the Canon 7D Mark II.; 1/4000 second, f 5.6, ISO 640.

Once focused on the subject, I fired a rapid blast at 10 frames per second while trying to maintain a good composition. The images above show the bird with its most pleasing wing positions.

The duck carcass soon attracted ravens and another hungry eagle.

Eagle #1 realizes the best thing to do is drop his meal and make a quick exit.

The persistence of golden leaves on the salt cedar, willow and cottonwood trees at Bosque provided some color for our photographs. In most years, leaves have fallen by the end of November.
Watch for volume 3 to see the beauty of northern pintails in flight.