For the first time in several years, the butterfly population has exploded at our small butterfly/hummingbird garden. Actually, I’ve been impressed with the species diversity, too. So, during the past two afternoons, I grabbed the Canon 5D Mark IV camera with Canon 100-400 mm lens to capture as many species images as possible. A few were missed, but you can see from the shots below that subject matter was abundant in the little 25′ x 25′ habitat.
All the shots were taken “hand held” with an ISO of 640-800 and f stop of 8-18. Seldom did I let the shutter speed dip below 350th of a second.
Flowering plants in the garden include mist flower, Turk’s cap, heliotrope and shrimp plant.

There are more butterflies to come when next I share a trip to the National Butterfly Center and Falcon State Park Butterfly gardens.