In recent weeks, we had migrating birds arriving with the hurricane and with the latest weather fronts. I wasn’t getting out of the house to photograph until I saw a good concentration of hummingbirds Monday on the Fire Bush plants at my son’s house. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings I was there for the action.
The following images were made without artificial lighting or any special setup. The bushes were covered in red blooms which made it difficult to isolate birds in flight. Instead, I focused a cluster of blooms with a clean background and pushed the shutter button as birds came to feed.
Here is a small collection of hummers from September 8 and 9:

If my identification is correct, this is the first Rufous Hummingbird I’ve been able to photograph in the lower Rio Grande area.
I plan to post again in the next day or two with a few deer and turkey shots.
Glad to see you are having some good activity. I really like the photo of the female Ruby throat. She is so sweet looking. I had some Hummers for a couple of weeks before we left yesterday, on our way to Maine or Massachusetts to meet up with Kim and family. I don’t think I will have any opportunities for hummingbirds there. They’ve left town. Lol
Sorry; I just missed your comment by about one year. Nevertheless, I’m on track now and enjoying the comments of all my friends.
We have 3 Baltimore orioles today and had a yellow-breasted sapsucker yesterday…all ahead of the latest 2021 cool front. Hope the birds are finding your yard. I heard yesterday that the hummers are coming through your area.
Take care; missed you on the hummer shoot at Davis Mts.