The weather yesterday was typical for a south Texas summer day… about 100 degrees with super high humidity and it had rained an inch or so in the area where I planned to photograph. I started down the trail to my photo blind with a wagon (garden wagon) of heavy gear and hit heavy mud about half way. Oh well (I thought), I’ve come this far, I can make it. And, I did, but just barely short of a heat stroke.
It was so humid, I couldn’t dry off, so I sat there for three hours with muddy shoes and soaking wet in sweat. Luckily, I had plenty of water and the blind was in the shade. Since a friend had photographed three species of kingfishers and a gray hawk from that blind the day before, I was expecting a boatload of bird diversity. I could tough it out if the photography was going to be that good. Of course, a lot of those birds didn’t show, but it was a pretty good day. After I got home, had a bath, and looked at the day’s images, I came to the conclusion that almost any day spent photographing wild critters is pretty special.
Here are a few of yesterday’s photos:

That’s it for this week. Thanks for checking out the newsletter.